Thursday, December 16, 2010

New idea of opening scene

Rajeev sir: Why it is necessary to show the party scene? we can show something else.

Jigar: We are showing new year party scene to show that 2012 has arrived and if we show some distraction people will understand that is a end not some local natural calamities. It is just to symbolize in viewer's mind for the end of the world.

Due to all the impossible plan to show the party scene, I thought a new idea. Two children are paling the card house or any constructive game. After some time one kid starts to destroy the game, from that moment we will start the Earth-zoom shot.      



  1. Good idea... But also explain the relevance of this scene for the chosen theme

  2. In my earlier post I have mentioned that, it is a believe that the Apocalypse is the war between two brother and the arc-angels Michel and the fallen angel (Devil) Lucifer. Lucifer will bring the apocalypse to destroy god's creation and in order to stop him Michel the strongest arc-angel and the oldest brother has to stand against the abandoned younger brother Lucifer to save Earth. That is the reason i chose this scene as opening scene.
